On 12/5/2014 2:54 PM, Benjamin Ryzman wrote:
Dear Ken,

I am just starting using your Emacs package on Cygwin and I find an odd
behavior for some of the Unicode characters and the default fontset.

Please find attached the screen shot which shows a striking difference
between your build and the one from Chris Zheng
(http://emacsbinw64.sourceforge.net/). Both are 64bit builds targeting
Windows. Unfortunately your build is unable to display some of the
Unicode chars by default.

It seems the default fontset is missing some character specific
definition, or your build is unable to detect fonts which implement the
-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1 emacs font spec. Is there a way to
add the missing parts?

Please send questions about Cygwin packages to the Cygwin mailing list, not directly to maintainers. I'm copying you on this reply in case you're not yet reading the list.

What you're reporting seems to be the same issue as this:


I'm afraid that I don't know any more about it now than I did in my last reply in that thread:


It would be great if someone could fix this, but I don't have the expertise to do it.


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