On Fri, Nov 28, 2014 at 5:21 PM, Andrey Repin wrote:
> Greetings, Corinna Vinschen!
>> On Nov 28 19:08, Andrey Repin wrote:
>>> > If we implement the above, we
>>> > would just have to add a cmd wrapper script in /bin to make sure
>>> > $PATH is set correctly and to make sure CMD starts up in $HOME,
>>> > something along the lines of:
>>> >   $ cat /bin/cmd
>>> >   #!/bin/dash
>>> >   PATH=/bin:$PATH
>>> >   cd $HOME
>>> >   # Don't rely on COMSPEC!
>>> >   cmd=$(cygpath -ua "${SYSTEMROOT}\\System32\\CMD.EXE")
>>> >   exec "${cmd}"
>>> I hope you don't expect it to work inside mintty.
>> Oh, it does.  CMD itself isn't the biggest problem, many other native
>> tools are.
> Yes, CMD itself do output... something. As long as encoding isn't an issue.
> But I have PROMPT=%USERNAME%%COMPUTERNAME%. Imagine if one of them turned out
> to contain non-ASCII characters.
>>> Cygwin tools may function
>>> properly in this case, but the shell itself - I have my doubts. And other
>>> native tools would certainly have issues with encoding, if not with any 
>>> output
>>> at all.
>>> Said that, it would need to be a simple .cmd file, so that it'd run in 
>>> native
>>> console.
>>> Something like
>>> PATH=%~dp0;%PATH%
>>> START "" /B "%SystemRoot%\System32\cmd.exe" /K
>>> EXIT
>> Fine with me, but it also has to cd to %HOME%, which is given in
>> POSIX syntax...
> That may be an issue, unless %HOME% is set somewhere else.
> If you have ideas, where to look, I may be able to provide the code to do it.
Don't forget that CMD will not create a second connection to a
\\host\share if Cygwin already has one open.

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