On Nov 19, 2014, at 2:12 PM, pichi032 . <perron...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Cygwin Configuration Diagnostics

I’m afraid it all looks quite normal to me.  I can only suggest voodoo:

1. Install to a different directory.  If this works, you can try a forced 
reinstall to the one you actually wanted to use, or just start using the 
successful install.

2. Read through the BLODA FAQ item, and see if you’ve got anything on the list. 
 If so, disable it, and if not, disable your antivirus and antimalware anyway.

3. Remove d:\cygwin and reinstall. 

I see that you have the Cygwin package download directory underneath there.  
This should be fine, but you might want to nuke that, too, and select a 
different mirror on your second attempt.
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