I am using the AD-enabled cygwin test versions (v33-0.5), with nsswitch.conf 
setting to "db" only.

Occasionally when starting a cygwin terminal after a reboot I find that it get 
the following message:

/usr/bin/id: cannot find the name for group ID 1125370

Note that this is not a group ID, but instead is my uid. 

Closing the terminal application and restarting it does not resolve the issue, 
as I get the same message again.

Since I have several services (cygserver, sshd, cron, httpd2) all starting at 
boot-time, I suspect that when these are first connecting there is some kind of 
failure, which then gets cached.  The easiest way I've found to solve the 
problem is to shut down these services, then shut down the terminal window (so 
there are no longer any cygwin processes running at all) and then restart them 
in my usual order (as shown above).  This is not a major problem, but it is a 
bit of a nuisance.  Any thoughts?  I'll happily provide any further information 
you ask for.


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