Greetings, Corinna Vinschen! >> > 1. Utilize the homeDirectory AD attribute (aka %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%). >> > 2. If homeDirectory is empty, fall back to /home/$USER. >> >> This is just a subset of what I suggested, so I’m in favor of it. >> (By subset I mean that I’d prefer you do essentially the same thing for the >> non-AD case, too.)
> This would be most easily implemented as well. > The beauty here is that probably 99% of the home users don't set > HOMEDRIVE/HOMEPATH in their SAM. They are always set by default. > So they get /home/$USER as fallback, No. > which is what they got with /etc/passwd as well. And SAM users have the > XML-like description field entry as well. > For AD environments HOMEDRIVE/HOMEPATH are typically set, though. HOMEDRIVE/HOMEPATH always set. > Here the users get what they have to use as homedir anyway. > It's simple, but it should work OOTB for most people. Yes, it'll work. Just not as you expect it. >> > 1. Always use /home/$USER and let the admins come up with a matching >> > mount point scheme. >> >> That’s neglecting your responsibility as BDFL to set a sensible > Heh. I didn't see myself as BDFL yet. Not sure if that's an honor. That's a chore. But someone has to pull it. >> default. The consequence is that everyone will do it differently, and >> then you’ll have to support everything on an equal basis, because you >> chose not to endorse anything. >> >> When you choose a sensible default, you get the option to criticize >> and even deprecate wild alternative schemes. > This is a philosophical argument. You'd have to argue in how far > always using /home/$USER is NOT a sensible default. I can give you a whole list of reason, including quotes from Cygwin documentation, why this is not a good idea. And "cygwin is not an operating system" will be a red canvas through them. -- WBR, Andrey Repin ( 14.11.2014, <00:49> Sorry for my terrible english...