On Nov 13, 2014, at 2:30 PM, Corinna Vinschen <corinna-cyg...@cygwin.com> wrote:

> On Nov 13 14:09, Warren Young wrote:
>> http://etr-usa.com/cygwin/ls-perms.png
> icacls output would be more helpful than a picture.

$ icacls ls.exe
ls.exe MOSSYMAZE\Warren:(F)

> It doesn't work when running under a non-admin account.

Every other Windows setup program is playing by that same restriction.

> However, the *other* idea is that if you install with an elevated Setup,
> your account is an admin account anyway.  Ideally when you install
> Cygwin for multiple users, you're using an account you're not using for
> daily usage.

Couldn’t the Cygwin non-user files be owned by SYSTEM instead of the installing 
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