On Nov 11 11:18, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> On Nov 10 23:09, Warren Young wrote:
> > On Nov 10, 2014, at 1:52 PM, Corinna Vinschen <corinna-cyg...@cygwin.com> 
> > wrote:
> > 
> > > Shall the "db" entries utilize the Windows home folder if it exits(*)
> > > and drop using the unixHomeDirectory?  It seems inevitable…
> > 
> > Use of AD implies some level of security consciousness.  The ability to 
> > write to c:\cygwin — not just during installation, but during all use 
> > thereafter! — comes out of a world where every user is a local 
> > Administrator.
> > 
> > This answer I wrote on Stack Overflow is one way to solve the problem today:
> > 
> >     http://stackoverflow.com/questions/26666180/
> > 
> > It might not be a bad idea if Cygwin started doing this sort of thing by 
> > default in the future.  (Obviously for new installs only.)
> What I gather from the replies so far is this:
> - Nobody really cares for unixHomeDirectory.
> - Some want to use the Windows home folder.
> - Some want Cygwin to utilize the HOMEPATH dir.
> - Some want Cygwin to use always it's own /home and do everything else
>   via symlinks or mount points.
> The problem so far is that I'm not sure it's clear to everybody what
> I mean.  I'm *not* talking about a default value which can easily be
> overridden by tweaking /etc/passwd.  I'm talking about what the passwd
> entry contains if there's no passwd file, and the admins want to keep
> the administration strictly inside AD.  The passwd entry gets generated
> from what AD provides.  And here we need a sensible default behaviour.
> One possible, but not naturally useful default behaviour is what
> the current code does:
> 1. Utilize the unixHomeDirectory AD attribute.
> 2. If unixHomeDirectory is empty, fall back to /home/$USER.
> Another possible behaviour:
> 1. Utilize the homeDirectory AD attribute (aka %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%).
> 2. If homeDirectory is empty, fall back to /home/$USER.
> Another:
> 1. Always use /home/$USER and let the admins come up with a matching
>    mount point scheme.
> Another:
> 1. Add a setting to /etc/nsswitch.conf which allows to specify one of
>   the above:
>     home: [unix|win|home]...
>    - "unix" means, set pw_dir to unixHomeDirectory
>    - "win" means, set pw_dir to homeDirectory
>    - "home" means, set pw_dir to /home/$USER
>    - Multiple entries are possible.
>    - Default in the absence of this setting is: always set pw_dir to
>      /home/$USER.

Another way to handle Cygwin-specific settings would be to utilize the
description(*) field in the user's entry, just as implemented for SAM
accounts.  See the SAM part of
for how to use XML-alike entries in the description field to add user
data, for instance

  <cygwin home="/foo/bar"\ shell="/bin/tcsh"/>

This could be added to some standard scheme:

  1. Utilize the description attribute.
  2. If description is empty, utilize homeDirectory.
  3. If homeDirectory is empty, use /home/$USER.

Or this could be added as a setting in nsswitch.conf:

  home: [unix|win|desc|home]

I could think of arbitrarily complex ways to extend this nsswitch.conf
setting, as in:

  home: /foo/bar/%U

With %U being the Windows username, %D the domain name, %u the Cygwin
user name.  But all this also takes time to implement, of course :(


(*) Note the naming confusion:
    The `net user /comment:...' command sets the AD attribute "description".
    The `net user /usercomment:...' command sets the AD attribute "comment".

Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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