On Nov 10 22:18, Achim Gratz wrote:
> Corinna Vinschen writes:
> > - If your account is an AD account, the home directory is taken from the
> >   RFC 2307 entry unixHomeDirectory.
> This isn't set yet in our domain, but there's another AD just for the
> UNIX accounts (I haven't looked at how that one is structured yet).
> There's talk about maybe unifying these two AD in the future, but I have
> no idea how that would work.

If you're doing that at one point...

> > - Otherwise, if these values are empty or don't exist, your fallback
> >   home directory is /home/$USER (without domain prefix).
> >
> > As you may have noticed, there's nothing in there taking the Windows
> > home directory into account.  It's indeed not used at all by the new
> > code.
> I think that is generally the right idea, since mixing all the .-files
> into the normal Windows home directory results in a mess, especially
> when there are Windows programs ported from Unix that use the same
> scheme for themselves.  What I'm doing right now is to create an
> /etc/fstab.d/$USER that mounts a subdirectory of the Windows $HOME
> (always a network drive for normal domain users) when I set up a new
> users' machine or login on a server.  I also mount the actual Windows
> home back under ~/winhome.
> > Shall the "db" entries utilize the Windows home folder if it exits(*)
> > and drop using the unixHomeDirectory?  It seems inevitable...
> That would cause serious problems for me I think.  Keeping the home
> directory pinned to /home/$USER and automounting this based on some rule
> involving either or both of those entries seems a better idea in the
> long run.

...it might give you similar trouble as you outline above.  As soon as
the RFC 2307 posixAccount/posixGroup scheme is utilized for Unix
machines, Cygwin's usage of unixHomeDirectory would potentially break
your modus operandi...


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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