2014-11-10 12:55 GMT+01:00 Corinna Vinschen <corinna-cyg...@cygwin.com>:
> If this is for loading modules via dlopen, the solution should be to
> either to add the directory to LD_LIBRARY_PATH, or enhance Cygwin if
> it's an issue with loading dependent DLLs.  We can still add
> Ultimately a Cygwin application should not have to call Win32 functions,
> except if there's really no way around it.
I'm fully aware of that. But until my patches to the "unix-cygwin" VFS
are not accepted upstream I like to keep the "win32" VFS working
as well. So people can choose whether they like the Win32 way
or the Cygwin way, both simply work.

       Jan Nijtmans

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