On 9 November 2014 03:43, Wafer CCC wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm french and i use cygwin on Windows 7, and I have a problem with accents.
> When i tape :
>   net start
> Accents are not correctly displayed.

If you are running cygwin in the default mintty console, check the
setting of the locale and character set in the mintty settings. On the
settings text page, set the Character set to UTF-8 (it may display as
UTF-8 (Unicode) in the drop-down. Also set the Locale to the right
language and region. You will have at least C in the drop-down, plus
any others from your windows regional configuration.

In the shell you should have the LANG variable set to the same values.
"echo $LANG" should display something like fr_FR.UTF-8 which will
correspond to the settings in mintty.

If you run cygwin in a command window, or another console, you may
have to set the LANG variable in your .bash_profile or .bashrc in your
home directory using "export LANG=en_FR.UTF-8", as well as configure
that console program.

As a test, you create a small text file with Notepad with some
accented characters, they should display correctly when you "cat" the
file from cygwin.


Doug Henderson, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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