On Nov  5 22:38, Habermann, David (D) wrote:
> >> I just released a 5th TEST version of the next upcoming Cygwin release,
> >> 1.7.33-0.5.
> > Ever since using this 1.7.33-0.x series (currently running 1.7.33-0.5) 
> > I've been having intermittent trouble with one of my scripts, and just 
> > finally got around to digging further today.  This is an expect script 
> It would appear, after a bit more digging, that this problem is
> related to some timeout issues.  Most of the time the ssh login goes
> rapidly, but occasionally it takes quite a lot longer triggering the
> expect default timeout.  When setting the timeout substantially
> longer, the reliability goes up substantially.

Such phases wher checking for an account takes a bit longer just happen.
I don't see that Cygwin has this really under control.  Local caching
should alleviate this somewhat.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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