>On 2014-11-04 22:10, Yaakov wrote:

>>On 2014-11-04 20:08, Brent wrote:
>>I then reran my complete test suite.  Everything now works except the part
>>of the test where cygwin unzip is to extract a zip file produced by Java.
>>This particular zip file has entries whose path names are non-ASCII chars.
>>I have manually verified that this zip file is perfectly extractable by
>>7zip and WinZip, so Java does not seem to be the problem.
>Thank you for providing your test case. This is a known issue with unzip, and 
>the exact same things occurs with your test.zip on Linux:

Thanks.  That link's "UnZip Locale Issues" section documents the wrong 
assumptions about character encoding made by unzip.

Do you know if there are any plans to fix unzip?

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