On 31 October 2014 11:23, Hans Horn wrote:
> What is the current recommended way to migrate a cygwin installation?
> my c: drive has gotten full to the brim.
> Tried to follow some older instructions online (~2009) but they do not seem
> to work anymore.
> Thx.
> H

You can use "cygcheck-dep -c -l -i" to list the minimum set of
packages required to reinstall all your installed packages. When you
run the architecture specific setup command, with the listed set of
packages selected, setup will recursively find all the packages
required by the selected packages. You will be prompted to accept a
list of these required packages after you click next from the package
selection screens.

On my laptop, I have 209 packages installed. The "cygcheck-dep -c -l
-i" command lists 46 packages. Some of these are included in the
initial package list, so they will be automatically installed on all
systems. If I manually select all the unselected members of this 46
package set, I will end up with 208 installed packages. The
cygwin-debuginfo will not automatically reinstall.

The <PKG>-debuginfo packages will not automatically reinstall, as they
are not automatically installed and do not have dependencies on other
packages. I would need to manually reinstall those, if I still needed
them. I do not have any <PKG>-src packages installed, so I am not sure
what will happen with those. Use the "cygcheck -c" command to get a
full list of your installed packages with version and status

If you have test and prev package versions installed, this process
will install the current version. It does not attempt to handle
packages from other distributions like cygwinports and other "extra"
package sources.

I am currently using this process to semi-automatically generate a
batch file to quickly recreate a cygwin installation on new virtual

As always, YMMV.


Doug Henderson, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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