On 2014-10-29 13:08, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> I just released a 4th TEST version of the next upcoming Cygwin release,
> 1.7.33-0.4.
> Changes compared to the former test version 1.7.33-0.3:

> - Set CYGWIN=dosfilewarning settting to OFF by default.
Well, this is OK i suppose.

But i was using this feature in order to check that no cygwin process
was left behind when i switch to a new cygwin1.dll (eg for a snapshot).
Here is how.

I use 'echo \\ /nonexistent*' in my .cshrc. This triggers the
warning. That way, if some process from the previous cygwin1.dll was left
somewhere in the background, the warning is not displayed and i get the
(visual) indication that something is wrong (say: the new cygwin1.dll is
not properly in function).

Afterwards, since the warning is displayed only once, the warning is not
displayed anymore, so the 'echo ...' is not a nuisance in .cshrc.

The fact that the default is/was ON is important because otherwise the
CYGWIN variable would have to be set somewhere (and before the 1st cygwin

Currently i don't see how to replace this "feature". Any ideas?

To be precise, the exact command that i use (in .cshrc) is
echo \\ /nonexistent* |& head --lines=-6
in order to show a single line (a single line is enough for a visual indication)


Denis Excoffier.

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