On Oct 27 07:31, Christian Franke wrote:
> Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> >On Oct 25 13:10, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> >>On Oct 24 23:17, Denis Excoffier wrote:
> >>>2014-10-24 22:16, Christian Franke wrote:
> >>>>Another possible solution:
> >>>>Check for e.g. CYGWIN_DLLPATH environment variable before calling 
> >>>>SetDllDirectory().
> >>>>
> >>>>If unset or empty, call SetDllDirectory("X:\path_to_cygwin\bin");
> >>>>else if set to ".", do nothing.
> >>>>else call SetDllDirectory(CYGWIN_DLLPATH);
> >>>>
> >>>>The above 'make check' should then work again as 'CYGWIN_DLLPATH=. make 
> >>>>check'.
> >>>I can buy this. Setting 'export CYGWIN_DLLPATH := .' at the beginning of 
> >>>the Makefile will
> >>>do the job.
> >>>
> >>>>Possible enhancement: If AddDllDirectory() is available (>= Win8), accept 
> >>>>a real search path in CYGWIN_DLLPATH.
> >>>Also perhaps you can use yet another subitem in the CYGWIN environment 
> >>>variable?
> >>If AddDllDirectory works without much hassle, which I have to test first,
> >>why introduce CYGWIN_DLLPATH or another CYGWIN item?
> >>
> >>LD_LIBRARY_PATH would be the one we want then, wouldn't it?
> >One really big problem with AddDllDirectory is this:  While you can add
> >multiple directories to the search path, the order in which these
> >directories are added does not specify a search order.  In fact, the
> >order in which the paths are searched is unspecified per MSDN.
> >
> >In Denis example that means, if we add /usr/bin and /my/dir/bin to the
> >DLL search path, Denis case works or it doesn't, and we never know when
> >it will work and when it won't, and we have no way to influence this.
> >Oh boy.
> >
> >Apart from SetDllDirectory and AddDllDirectory, what about this very
> >simple solution in Cygwin:
> >
> >- Don't call SetDllDirectory at all, thus "." is kept in the search
> >   path.
> >
> >- In execve, when creating the Windows environment for the child process,
> >   check if $PATH is empty.  If so, set $PATH to /bin for the child.
> >   Or, check if /bin is in $PATH, if not, add it.
> >
> >That would catch both problems, backward compatibility with Denis
> >scenario, as well as the PATH setting in postfix.
> OK for me. For postfix, the '$PATH is empty' check would be sufficient.

Thanks, I applied a patch to add the Windows version of /bin to the
Windows environment when spawning a new process.  Checking if $PATH
contains this dir is a bit awkward.  If it really turns out to be
necessary at one point, we can add it then.

I'm going to create a 1.7.33-0.3 test release later today.

Thanks guys,

Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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