Andrey, the flashing console flashes very quickly and I don't know how to slow 
it down.
It appears to have no title and no contents.

I gave up on using the bash option -c, because of clashes due to mixing windows 

linux command line parsing conventions.  So, instead I created a script /d/try: 

  export PATH=/bin
  sleep 10
  date >>/d/out.txt # cygdrive is /

Here are the results of my recent tests:

When I run:  

  D:\cygwin\bin\run.exe /bin/bash --norc /d/try
then there is a flashing console window which closes immediately.  It appears 
to have no title or
contents but it's hard to tell since it flashes so quickly.  In the process 
list of Process 

Explorer (from Microsoft's SysInternals), I can see:

  1) conhost.exe "Console Window Host" (nested under csrss.exe "Client Server 
Runtime Process"))
  2) bash.exe (at the top level)  

  3) sleep.exe (at the top level)

After the expected 10 seconds, the processes disappear and the file /d/out.txt 
gets written to.

If I run instead:   

  D:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe --norc /d/try
I get an empty console window (which doesn't close immediately), with the same 
title as my 

shortcut name.  This console window closes after the specified 10 seconds.  In 
this case, there 

is a slight change in the processes running:

  1) conhost.exe "Console Window Host" (nested under csrss.exe "Client Server 
Runtime Process"))
  2) bash.exe (running under explorer.exe "Windows Explorer")
  3) sleep.exe (at the top level)

So, definitely, run.exe is *not* preventing the flashing console window as I 
expected it to.

> From: Andrey Repin <>
>To: John Wiersba <>; 
>Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2014 9:36 AM
>Subject: Re: run.exe flashes non-hidden console window in cygwin64 on 
>Greetings, John Wiersba!
>> I'm trying to use run.exe to avoid a flashing console window, but it is not
>> working on my cygwin64 install on Win7Pro-64.  This is a fresh install from
>> 10/20/2014.  I've attached my cygcheck.out.  I've tried the following
>> windows shortcuts and all cause a console window to briefly flash (in the
>> case of mintty a console window flashes before the mintty terminal is 
>> displayed).
>>   D:\cygwin\bin\run.exe /bin/bash -c "echo hi"
>>   D:\cygwin\bin\run.exe /bin/env -i PATH=/bin bash --norc -c "echo hi"
>>   D:\cygwin\bin\run.exe /bin/env -i PATH=/bin mintty bash --norc
>> Since hiding the console window is the main purpose of run.exe, it seems
>> that it is badly broken for Win7Pro-64.
>Can you tell, what is that console? I.e. what's in it's header?
>Andrey Repin ( 22.10.2014, <17:35>
>Sorry for my terrible english...
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