LMH writes:
> Good Lord, I guess I wasn't thinking very clearly trying to use PATH as
> a variable for something else. I changed to,
> FILE_DIR=$(ls -d './'$SET'/'$FOLD'/'$FOLD'_anneal/'$PARAM_SET'/'$AN_SET)
> echo $FILE_DIR
> FILE_LIST=($(ls $FILE_DIR'/'*'out.txt' ))
> echo ${FILE_LIST[@]}
> and everything is fine. I guess it was a bash issue after all. Thanks
> for checking that out.

Are you trying to re-write some Windows BAT/CMD script perhaps?  It
seems that you'd actually want to use find instead of ls and protect
yourself a bit against the possibility of one of these path or file
names containing whitespace.  The ls constructing FILE_LIST is probably
not needed because the shell already globs the file names before ls ever
gets to it.

+<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb Andromeda XTk Blofeld]>+

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