On 09/29/2014 04:52 PM, Buchbinder, Barry (NIH/NIAID) [E] wrote:
>> These functions contain '-' in their name; that's a limitation of
>> the downstream forked patch I applied early to get 4.1.13-6 out the
>> door. Upstream solved it in a nicer manner, so you can once again have
>> functions with '-' in the name. Please try again with the just-released
>> 4.1.14-7.
> I understand that to mean that 4.1.14-7 will be able to export functions with 
> '-' in
> their names.

Correct; also, I already verified it worked locally for me to export a
function with '-' when using 4.1.14-7.

>>> I was able to get rid of this by commenting out the functions (make-log,
>>> configure-log, and prt-alias) and removing them from the list of functions 
>>> being
>>> set and exported in ~/.bashrc.  I rarely use these functions and would be 
>>> unlikely
>>> to use them in a subshell so that works as a solution.
>> Having the function wasn't the problem, it was exporting it. You can
>> still have the function even in 4.1.13-6, as long as you don't export
>> it.
> Changed to underscores.  All is well.

Also an option. :)

Eric Blake   eblake redhat com    +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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