On 9/25/2014 4:36 PM, Paul.Domaskis wrote:
Eliot Moss <moss <at> cs.umass.edu> writes:
On 9/24/2014 6:19 PM, Paul.Domaskis wrote:
Andrey Repin <anrdaemon <at> yandex.ru> writes:
Paul.Domaskis wrote:
Can anyone suggest how the bash-completion man page is acccessed, and
what M-/ means?
From googling, the meta key is Alt (simultaneously) or Esc (pressed
and released before the accompanying key). Using these to try and get
M-/, neither combination forces completion. In both cases, the entire
command line content is replaced by a forward slash.
Works for me, but I have 'set -o emacs' set in my bash. I wonder
if it is somehow dependent on using emacs style command line editing?
Regards -- Eliot Moss
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