Ken Brown <kbrown <at>> writes:
> Achim, could you send me a recipe for reproducing the problem so that I 
> can test further?  Please be very detailed; I have no experience with ACLs.

Let's get one issue out of the way first that may be a Cygwin bug: on Linux
a file with all access removed via standard POSIX modes and then access
granted via ACL would place the mask bits of the ACL (the maximum permission
that can be granted via ACL, usually rwx) into the group portion of the
POSIX modes (ls --color would even show these in different color if you
didn't happen to notice the "+").  That doesn't happen on Cygwin and it
seems that some software optimizes based on that information to not traverse
the ACL when there's no chance to ever get a permission granted.  This
behaviour is mandated by POSIX IIUC (and it is what Linux is doing) so
unless Cygwin explicitly follows a different ACL model, I think that should
be taken care of before diving into this further.


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