On 8/26/2014 3:24 AM, Angelo Graziosi wrote:
When I had WinXP32 and Cygwin32, I defined an alias (in .bashrc) like this
alias cygstart='TEMP=/home/$USER/Temp cygstart'
where /home/$USER/Temp was a symlink to the user native Temp directory
(/cygdrive/c/Documents and Setting/Local/Temp, if I remember..)
Here's what I do - use Cygwin's tmp (i.e. /tmp in Cygwin and
C:\Cygwin\tmp for Windows). Then change the TEMP and TMP environment
variables to point to C:\Cygwin\tmp. Then simply think of "temp" as /tmp.
The reasons for that alias with TEMP=/home.. in front, were that,
opening documents with Windows native applications (for example, a PDF
with AR), all temporary files that those applications created were saved
in the Windows native Temp directory. And all this worked..
Now with Win7U and Cygwin64 I defined a similar alias, being
/home/$USER/Temp the symlink
/home/$USER/Temp --> /cygdrive/c/$USER/AppData/Local/Temp
In this case, all temporary files created by Windows native
applications, started with cygstart, go in /tmp Cygwin directory.., i.e.
the definition "TEMP=/home/$USER/Temp" in front of cygstart command is
This is a minor issue but I wonder if there is a way to avoid it.
Any self respecting Windows app should honor either $TMP or $TEMP. Non
self respecting Windows apps should be uninstalled ;-)
Andrew DeFaria
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