On 2014-08-20 15:13, David Rothenberger wrote:
Doing an "import uuid" in python causes a segmentation fault unless
libuuid-devel is installed. It appears from the strace that something is
trying to find libuuid.dll.a. Installing libuuid-devel fixes the problem.

You are indeed correct. The stdlib uuid.py loads libuuid via ctypes.util.find_library, which (with our patchset) finds the actual DLL name via the import library. (This is also true on ELF platforms, although the actual mechanism is somewhat different.)

I have added libuuid-devel to both python and python3 requires.

This only happens when x64_64. It works fine with the i686 distribution.

Only by luck; it's actually necessary for both arches.

Thanks for reporting,


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