Eliot Moss <moss <at> cs.umass.edu> writes:

> On 8/17/2014 2:41 AM, paul wrote:
> > When I wanted to replicate my cygwin installation from a 32-bit 
machine to
> > another 32-bit machine, it was straightforward.  I would simply 
> > all installed packages, but have the downloaded packages got to a 
> > which I then burn to CD.
> >
> > However, my next machine is a 64-bit machine.  So I have to use the 64-
> > setup.  Is there an almost-as-painless way to replicate the 64-bit 
> > of the packages that I have installed on my 32-bit machine?
> The 32-bit packages and set up run fine on a 64 bit processor.
> You just don't get as large a memory space for the programs
> when they are running.

Yes, I was hoping to benefit from the 64-bit address space.  But it took 
some trial and error to settle on the packages I wanted.  Hoping I don't 
have to go through the same process again with the 64-bit packages.

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