Hi Yaakov,
I just noted a strange effect

during installation phase of openmpi a certain numbers of links to exe files are created as

(cd /pub/devel/openmpi/64bit/openmpi-1.8.2rc4-1.x86_64/inst/usr/bin; rm -f mpirun.exe; ln -s orterun.exe mpirun.exe)

and they are there during the cyginstall
$ ls ../inst/usr/bin/
cygmpi_cxx-1.dll cygopen-pal-6.dll mpicxx mpifort ompi-ps.exe ortecc orte cygmpi_mpifh-2.dll cygopen-rte-7.dll mpiexec.exe mpirun.exe ompi-server.exe orte-clean.exe orte cygmpi_usempi-1.dll mpic++ mpif77 ompi_info.exe ompi-top.exe orted.exe orte cygmpi-1.dll mpicc mpif90 ompi-clean.exe opal_wrapper.exe orte-info.exe orte

but at post cyginstall phase they are gone:

$ ls ../inst/usr/bin/
cygmpi_cxx-1.dll cygmpi-1.dll mpic++ mpif77 ompi_info.exe orte-clean.exe orte-ps.exe cygmpi_mpifh-2.dll cygopen-pal-6.dll mpicc mpif90 opal_wrapper.exe orted.exe orterun.exe
cygmpi_usempi-1.dll  cygopen-rte-7.dll  mpicxx  mpifort  ortecc

Is it possible that latest binutils update is fooling cygport ?
In the past, it seems they were renamed ( mpirun.exe to mpirun)



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