On Thu, Aug 07, 2014 at 11:07:54AM +0800, Robert Bu wrote:
> Adam Dinwoodie wrote on 2014/8/6 18:21:
> >I'm in the long-running process of producing an up-to-date build of Git
> >for Cygwin.  I think I'm now (finally) close to having a build ready to
> >upload to be installed via the Cygwin setup programs, but in the
> >meantime I'd appreciate my new build getting some additional testing.
> I tried your git with repo.
> RS-I9E3U8R4:[~/repo/test]> repo --version
> repo version r1.2.7
>        (from ssh://repo.realtek.com:29418/repo.git)
> repo launcher version 1.22
>        (from /cygdrive/d/cygwin/home/robert_bu/bin/repo)
> git version 2.0.4
> Python 2.7.8 (default, Jul 25 2014, 14:04:36)
> [GCC 4.8.3]
> When I tried to initialize the repo, I got some error:
> From ssh://repo.xxx.com:29418/test/manifest
>  * [new branch]      master     -> origin/master
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> <snip>
>   File "/cygdrive/d/repo/test/.repo/repo/project.py", line 2205, in
> _ReferenceGitDir
>     os.symlink(os.path.relpath(src, os.path.dirname(dst)), dst)
> OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
> My Cygwin environment:
> CYGWIN_NT-6.1 RS-I9E3U8R4 1.7.31(0.272/5/3) 2014-07-25 11:26 x86_64 Cygwin
> Do you have any idea?

Not really.  I don't even know what "repo" is, for a start, let alone
how it interacts with Git and/or Cygwin.  It looks like a third-party
tool, but that's all I can tell.

If you can tell me what the values of `src` and `dst` are when you hit
that error, that could give me a pointer as to what's going on.  Maybe
repo has a debugging mode; if not you'll probably be able to just edit
`project.py` to add some extra logging.

I take it this previously worked with the version of Git you got from
the regular Cygwin installers?  Did you uninstall those before you
installed my builds?

My initial suspicion is that this is either a difference between Git
v1.7.9 and v2.0.4 -- there're a lot of differences between those two
versions -- or possibly a missing package since my build is based off
Yaakov's Cygwin Ports version, which split out git-cvs, git-debuginfo,
git-email and gitweb.

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