Hi Cygwin lovers,

After some weeks of serious compiling, researching, understanding, fixing, 
and compiling again, I managed to get the Sendmail source code compiled and 

But I had to compromise in some critical areas. One of them is the uid issue.

* sendmail, procmail, mail.local assume that the id of the privileged user is 

Within the current Cygwin DLL, this is '18'. So the maintainer of, let's say, 
procmail code has to change a constant, named ROOT_uid to be 18 if compiled in
cygwin. I had to do the same in Sendmails' own Mail Delivery Agent, 

But that's no real fix. That's a work-around. Cygwin is supposed to emulate 
so why not change the 'getuid' function to return '0' if the uid is '18'? This 
exactly what all Linux source code expects, so we would never have to worry 
about it

Instead, maintainers constantly have to "correct" this "bug" in every new 
version of
their source code.

The general idea behind this is "never to break user space", where the programs 
seen as the users. Actually, it's Linus Torwalds's first rule of kernel 
and one can read here how serious he is about this:


Isn't it about time to make this our First Directive also?


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