On 07/18/2014 10:48 AM, sous lesquels wrote:
It's not reproducible for me. I just tried your ssh scenario with a
1000 and 2000 line buffers and it works fine for me every time, be it
with Cygwin 1.7.30 or the latest snapshot. I also raised the number of
loops. Is it possible that you're suffering a BLODA(*) problem?
I tried up to 9999, the maximum allowed.
This is under Windows 8.1 Pro, with Cygwin 1.7.30, both 32- and 64-bit.
I was running under:
CYGWIN_NT-6.1 1.7.29(0.272/5/3) 2014-04-07 13:46
It might have been a feature present in 1.7.29.
More likely, it was a installation issue. I had cygwin1.dll with
1.7.29 and cygwin1.dll.new with 1.7.30. I ran setup-x86_64.exe
multiple times and it did nothing to upgrade it (I assume it renames
cygwin1.dll.new to cygwin1.dll, correct?). No cywgin processes were
running otherwise. What helped is to manually reinstall "cygwin"
package. Now that I'm at 1.7.30, all seems OK. Probably just a version
This is not the recommended way of handling this situation. You end up
with a ".new" extension if the DLL was in use at the time of your upgrade.
In this case, setup*.exe schedules a replace of your existing DLL with the
".new" version on reboot. So if you find such a file on your system, the
sanctioned resolution to this is to reboot.
As a side topic, I did not get a mail with your (Corinna / Warren)
replies, just a digest, and could not reply to it. Not sure how it
will thread. Is there a way to somehow specify which post to reply to
in the body of the mail, so that it threads as I want? As per
https://sourceware.org/lists.html#what-software, ezmlm-idx is used and
as per
it threads by subject, not using In-Reply-To or so. And even if it
did, I cannot specify headers via Gmail (firewall, cannot use other
email clients unfortunately). If not a simple answer, I'll open a
separate thread.
You must have subscribed to the list and requested a digest. By
default, any email replies to this list go to the list. If you
want a direct copy, you have to ask for it and you rely on the
kindness of the responder to put in the extra effort to comply.
The best way to get individual messages from this list that are easy
to reply to is to subscribe without using the digest option.
A: Yes.
> Q: Are you sure?
>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>>> Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?
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