On Jul 17 20:09, Achim Gratz wrote:
> I have come across an interesting problem with the link count on a
> NetApp volume(*).  While hardlinks can be created just fine and work as
> you'd expect (changing one file changes all the linked files), the link
> count that gets reported for each of the linked files is always 1.  ONe
> of those NetApp volumes is my home directory and it breaks GNU parallel,
> which uses the link count as a semaphore.  Is this a bug in how Cygwin
> handles these volumes or a problem in how they are set up or something
> entirely else?

Netapp inode numbers are not reliable and thus the number of links isn't
either.  There's a check in Cygwin which is the result of the early
Cygwin 1.7 development.  It does not report the number of hardlinks
and it fakes the inode numbers on netapp filesystems.

> (*) df also doesn't show anything on these volumes, but that has been
> reported before.  Windows reports them as CIFS or NTFS, depending on
> where you look.

The file system returns STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER when calling
NtQueryVolumeInformationFile(FileFsFullSizeInformation) for some
reason.  If you're set up to build your own Cygwin DLL, we could
perform two or three really quick tests to find out if there's a way
to workaround this issue in Cygwin.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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