On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 07:17:48PM +0000, Nellis, Kenneth wrote:
>From: Nellis, Kenneth
>> Well, I'm getting different results with the latest snapshot. 
>> Instead of getting the error message, I'm getting a hang for maybe a minute 
>> before it continues.
>> I used the following command to encourage a failure:
>> clear; for f in $(find */Debug -name '*Subsystem'); do echo === $f ===; 
>> strings $f | grep '\.cpp$' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n; done
>Thought it might be useful to add that I can fairly easily get the same 
>minute-long hang with a simpler command:
>Cygwin64> strings *Subsystem | wc -l
What's your cwd when you run this command?


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