On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 12:46 PM, Okan Erat wrote:
> Dear Cygwin users,
> I am trying to compile a project using VS6 compiler and makefiles
> generated by imake.
> When i run make from cygwin terminal it compiles everything without any 
> problem.
> However if i run make from windows terminal (c:/cygwin/bin is already in Path)
> VS6 complains about various problems.
>  such as:
> winbase.h(1011) : error C2733: second C linkage of overloaded function
> 'InterlockedIncrement' not allowed
> mswsock.h(69) : error C2065: 'SOCKET' : undeclared identifier
> winsock2.h(85) : error C2378: 'SOCKET' : redefinition; symbol cannot
> be overloaded with a typedef
> Why make works with cygwin terminal but not with windows terminal.
> Thanks for your answers

Those errors are not coming from cygwin make.  That's coming from VS6
make.  Cygwin make doesn't have errors formatted that way.

With that in mind Visual Studio is a Microsoft product and not really
supported here.

Robert Pendell
A perfect world is one of chaos.

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