Hello - I'm only having a few issues with my current Cygwin setup on Server 2008, and it's concerning chmod / chown permission changes being done via SSHD to the windows box.
At first I was having issues restarting services remotely as well, receiving "Access Denied" messages, then I found this article regarding LSA authentication package and I configured this and it resolved the user impersonation issues I was seeing. From my other box (OEL), I used ssh to connect to the Windows box and ran a "whoami" and it came back with a different user than whom I was connecting with, after configuring LSA within Cygwin, it now matches and impersonates the user I'm connecting with to the Windows box. At this point, I'm able to do all of the following commands locally as the same user, I just can't do them via SSH, which is similar to the issue I had above with services, but definitely a bit more complicated since I'm mingling UNIX permissions with Windows. Here are the commands I'm trying to run from my OEL box to the Windows box via SSH that are failing: # Restore permissions echo Restoring permissions chmod -R 777 $WEBAPPS_DIR chown -R linuxsrv.Administrators $WEBAPPS_DIR #chmod -R 777 $PORTALBIN_DIR #chown -R Administrator $PORTALBIN_DIR #chmod -R 777 $PORTALCONNECTPROCESSOR_DIR #chown -R Administrator $PORTALCONNECTPROCESSOR_DIR #chmod -R 777 $SPACEUSAGE_DIR #chown -R Administrator $SPACEUSAGE_DIR Where $WEBAPPS_DIR = /cygdrive/e/tomcat/webapps $PORTALBIN_DIR = /cygdrive/e/PortalBin $PORTALCONNECTPROCESSOR_DIR = /cygdrive/e/PortalConnectProcessor $SPACEUSAGE_DIR = /cygdrive/e/SpaceUsage I only mention all of the above to give full context. The user I'm using to ssh is the following: 1) Administrator on the local Windows machine (NTFS) 2) Domain account (Was imported into the /etc/passwd and have verified proper attributes and group ownership in /etc/group) 3) Is able to do all of these things locally on the Windows box, just not via SSH. If anyone can offer some assistance on this, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Josh -- Problem reports: http://cygwin.com/problems.html FAQ: http://cygwin.com/faq/ Documentation: http://cygwin.com/docs.html Unsubscribe info: http://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple