On 2014-07-08 10:02, Christopher Faylor wrote:
On Tue, Jul 08, 2014 at 09:55:55AM -0400, Ken Brown wrote:
Grasping at straws, as usual, I wonder if these mysterious crashes could
be related to a bug that Corinna just fixed:


Corinna, is this plausible?  If so, maybe Gustav should try the next
snapshot of the Cygwin DLL.  (The current one doesn't seem to have this
fix in it.)

Actually, I was scratching my head over that change and wondering
what it was supposed to solve.

We believe that this was the cause of e.g. mandb aborting on x86_64 without manually enlarging the stack commit size:


Perhaps those seeing emacs crashes could try `peflags -X0x20000 /usr/bin/emacs*.exe' and see if that helps? If so, that would confirm the need for this patch.


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