On Jun 23 22:38, Denis Excoffier wrote:
> On 2014-06-23 11:09, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> > On Jun 19 19:53, Denis Excoffier wrote:
> > 
> > Do you really *want* to enumerate 500K users when accessing the DCs
> > remote over a slow DSL line?  Isn't this a situation in which you'd
> > rather like to avoid enumerating accounts or restrict it to an
> > essential subset?  That's what db_enum would be good for.
> IMHO the line is not especially slow. Instead, the
> server (and occasionally the client) is clobbered sometimes. For example it
> seems more difficult (ie timeout occurs more frequently) for a server
> to output the last sid’s in a domain than to output a full PageSize of
> results.
> Personally i don’t *want* to use /etc/nsswitch.conf at all. What bothers me
> is that the user does not get any indication of a timeout (and several 
> successive
> and unrelated timeouts may be met in a single invocation of getent). Therefore
> even if all servers are up, the user has no means to know that the list is 
> exhaustive.
> If the timeout occurs for the last chunk this is not so important, but if 
> the timeout occurs in the middle it may be. That is the difference between
> a large timeout and a timeout, say, too accurate.
> [...]
> >> 1) for most of the 100-sid chunks, the high timeout is not used, therefore
> >> the global penalty in delay is not so high. And perhaps a 120s timeout is 
> >> high
> >> enough so that when it is met, we could abandon not only the current 
> >> domain,
> >> but also the whole search?
> > 
> > Would that be really a bright idea?  Assuming your ADs (and their DCs)
> > are in different remote locations,  One of those connections being down
> > would disable enumerating other domains.
> It would be a means to have getent 'depend' on a unique timeout.
> > 
> >> 2) if value of timeout is not high enough (i have no figures…), timeout may
> >> occur when the PC is in fact occupied with other tasks (eg antivirus 
> >> scanning
> >> or something else), unrelated to network delays or server latencies.
> > 

Stay tuned.  I'm rewriting the LDAP access code to perform all critical
LDAP calls in interruptible threads.  The Windows LDAP calls don't
provide any kind of synchronization, only timeouts.  I hoped to get away
with short timeouts but it seems I hoped in vain.

So the next iteration of this code will not use any timeout other than
the default LDAP network timeout of 2 minutes, but the calls will be
interruptible by signals.

I hope that fixes this the right way :}


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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