
On 19/06/14 22:44, Angelo Graziosi wrote:
Chris J. Breisch wrote:
 > Hmmm...well, that's not good. Can you run /usr/bin/mandb -c yourself
 > from the command line? It will take a while and may generate several
 > warnings, such as what you see above.

I did this:

$ /usr/bin/mandb -c

and it printed:


and after 3 hours is still there... May we say it is hanging? or,
really, the command you suggested take all this time and more?

I had a Cygwin install/update hang on man-db install, waiting on this
command. I had to kill the install. On the subsequent install, I
selected Reinstall, and it installed smoothly.

Sounds like there is a little bit of ironing out needed for the new


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