  Recently there was an update to the passwd -R feature in   1.7.30-1 which 
allows you to pipe in a password to the
  "passwd -R". This is a something that we really need and  the  update is 
appreciated. :) 
  There is still an issue in that you can only update the   registry for the 
user that is currently logged in. In
  previous versions (such as 1.7.25), an administrator could   update for any 
user (although the piping feature was
  unavailable).  In the new version 1.7.30-1, when an attempt to update for   
any other user an error is produced stating: Storing
  password failed: No such file or directory.
  Is this something that the Cygwin team would be able to  fix  ? 

 Looking for the ability to pipe in a password and update  the registry with 
various users password. This functionality
 needs to be incorporated into cloud product. 
The original issue is related to something that Corinna  was   working on. 

See  https://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2014-04/msg00449.html
I haev screen shots but your email server will not accept them. Please let me 
know how to send if needed. 
 I appreciate any help or suggestions you can provide. 
  Thomas Fay @  IBM 
  IT Specialist
  IBM Global Technology Services
  Enterprise Services for Microsoft Technologies

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