On 06/03/2014 07:28 PM, Ivan Dobrianov wrote:
> It may be something very simple, but I just cannot figure what it is, nor can 
> I
> find anything on the forums.

echo 'a\b\\c\\\d\\\\e'
echo `echo 'a\b\\c\\\d\\\\e'`
echo $(echo 'a\b\\c\\\d\\\\e')

see why `` is obsolete, and you should be using $()?  Among other
reasons, \ inside `` has weird rules.

> PS: I am running a fairly recent version of cygwin 1.7.27 ... and I just 
> checked
> it in 1.7.29

Your problem has nothing to do with cygpath, and everything to do with
shell quoting rules.

Eric Blake   eblake redhat com    +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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