On 05/13/2014 12:47 PM, Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:

>> Of course, if you haven't yet successfully built the version of the
>> package
>> you want to maintain, haven't applied the necessary Cygwin patches, and
>> haven't gotten it to successfully work on your machine, then it's a bit
>> ludicrous to expect someone to name you the maintainer of said
>> package. You
>> haven't shown any evidence of your ability to perform in that capacity.
> ...and Eric has.  Until he relinquishes his packages or disappears, the
> majority (at least) of those on the list that use his packages appreciate
> his efforts in the past and look forward to his support going forward.
> If Eric decides to give up one or more of the packages you're interested
> in picking up as maintainer, then we'll all be appreciative of your efforts
> too. :-)

For that matter, I've _already_ offered git up for another maintainer,
and am still waiting (at least 3 months later) for that transition to
completely materialize.  With progress like that, I'm less than
enthusiastic about handing over coreutils or bash.  But if you want to
post a test package for bash and/or coreutils, I'll at least review your
packaging to see if it looks like you preserved all the cygwin-specific
patches I already created, before deciding that handing over
maintainership makes sense.

Eric Blake   eblake redhat com    +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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