On May 13 00:57, Shaddy Baddah wrote:
> Hi,
> This is a problem that I noticed some time last year, so I apologise for
> sitting on it for so long. I actually started drafting a number of
> emails to report but never committed.
> The problem only occurs with screen on 64-bit Cygwin. The 32-bit appears
> to work correctly. The problem is that when screen is run in mintty, it
> seems to exclude the bottom line, reducing the actual size of the
> buffer. Further, something goes awry at the top. So that if you run
> emacs -nw or less from within, scrolling via the keys acts very
> strangely.
> If you detach or simply exit the screen session, the problem carries on
> on the mintty you are left with.

This sounds like a mintty issue, not a Cygwin DLL issue.  The Cygwin DLL
only provides the pseudo tty communication channel.  The interpretation
of the escape sequences is done in the terminal emulator.

Unfortunately I have not read anything from the mintty maintainer, Andy
Koppe, since mid-2013, neither here nor on the mintty mailing list.
There was also no upstream mintty release since April 2013.  I have
tried to contact Andy a couple of days ago but didn't get a reply yet.
I hope he's well.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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