On May  1 19:07, Tatsuro MATSUOKA wrote:
> Hello 
> I have tried to build the recent cvs snapshot of gnuplot both on Cygwin-x86 
> and Cygwin-x86_64.
> The caca terminal works correctly on the Cygwin-x86. However it does not work 
> on  Cygwin-x86_64.
> First I have reported in the bug-ticket on the SourceForge of gnuplot. 
> https://sourceforge.net/p/gnuplot/bugs/1391/
> But I feel that this is not the gnuplot issue but Cygwin-x86_64 issue. 
> Because the caca terminal works fine on  Cygwin-x86
> I have tried to execute gnuplot(cvs) on gdb.
> gnuplot> set term caca
> Terminal type set to 'caca'
> Options are 'enhanced size 80, 25 background rgb "white" color noinverted 
> charset blocks'
> gnuplot> plot sin(x)
> Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
> 0x0000000077868e5d in ntdll!RtlUnwindEx ()
>    from /cygdrive/c/Windows/system32/ntdll.dll
> (gdb) 
> The Segmentation fault is occured.
> What can I do the further purchase of this issue?

I have a hunch:

Please try the latest snapshot DLL from http://cygwin.com/snhapshots/

The above crash looks like it might be a wrongly catched exception in
one of the Windows DLLs.  If so, this would be a result of a glitch in
the 64 bit exception handling, which should be fixed in the latest


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