Warren Young wrote:
On 4/25/2014 11:26, Tom Szczesny wrote:


"WOW64" means 32-bit Windows emulated on top of 64-bit Windows.[1] This
tells you that Cygwin is running inside that 32-bit environment.

You don't have to guess and hope, though. From 32-bit Cygwin:

$ file /bin/ls
/bin/ls: PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386 (stripped to external
PDB), for MS Windows

$ file /cygdrive/c/cygwin64/bin/ls
/cygdrive/c/cygwin64/bin/ls: PE32+ executable (console) x86-64, for MS

file(1) saith sooth what what form of executable thou hast wrought.

You might also find this piece enlightening: http://goo.gl/qv5ki7

That is enlightening. I have a rather different, and very non-standard setup, making use of $PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE. This environment variable is set in both 32-bit and 64-bit Cygwin. In the former, it's set to "x86" and in the latter, it's set to "AMD64".

So, I have my 64-bit Cygwin root set to C:/cygwin/AMD64, and my 32-bit Cygwin root set to C:/cygwin/x86. My package root for both is C:\cygwin\packages, and I have /home in both environments mounted on C:/cygwin/home.

I script all my builds, and the script I use sets the build directory always to build_${PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE}. In a similar way, my output files are named things like configure_${PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE}.out, make_${PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE}.out, etc.

But, as you mention in your SO response, I'd never dream of sharing /usr/local this way.

Oh, finally, I set the title of my mintty or xterm to contain ${PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE} as well, so I don't forget where I am.

Chris J. Breisch

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