I decided to update my cygwin x86_64 environment a few days back out
of concern about the openssh heartbleed bug.

Since that time most of my network tools no longer work as expected,
reporting "Bad address" as the failure reason

Here are some samples:-

rep@WinServer:~$ ping
-bash: /cygdrive/c/Windows/system32/ping: Bad address
rep@WinServer:~$ which ping
rep@WinServer:~$ file /cygdrive/c/Windows/system32/ping
/cygdrive/c/Windows/system32/ping: PE32+ executable (console) x86-64,
for MS Windows

rep@WinServer:~$ netstat -na
-bash: /cygdrive/c/Windows/system32/netstat: Bad address
rep@WinServer:~$ which netstat
rep@WinServer:~$ file /cygdrive/c/Windows/system32/netstat
/cygdrive/c/Windows/system32/netstat: PE32+ executable (console)
x86-64, for MS Windows

rep@WinServer:~$ wget www.google.com
--2014-04-19 20:03:25--  http://www.google.com/
Resolving www.google.com (www.google.com)... failed: Bad address.
wget: unable to resolve host address ‘www.google.com’

and so on and so forth. Did some googling of the error, nothing recent
that seems immediately obvious. The same tools work ok from windows
command prompt.

rep@WinServer:~$ uname -a
CYGWIN_NT-6.1 WinServer 1.7.29(0.272/5/3) 2014-04-07 13:46 x86_64 Cygwin

Any suggestions how i can track down / fix whatever is going wrong here ?


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