On 04/18/2014 04:06 PM, Andy wrote:


The real question (I should have emphasized this in my original post) is how
a file can be invisible to cygwin, but not to Windows explorer or the DOS
shell.  It's a general question that goes beyond telnet.  The fact that this
is possible is (I think) something to be aware of because it means that what
you see using bash could very well be a low fidelity reflection of what's in
the underlying Windows file system.  I mean low fidelity in a relative sense
-- it means there's one more way for what's seen via bash to differ from the
underlying Windows file system.

Can you clarify your question here a bit?  Are you using a 32-bit Cygwin
and confused by the fact that you don't see 64-bit stuff with it?  Forgive
me if I assumed too much about the issue you're seeing.



A: Yes.
> Q: Are you sure?
>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>>> Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?

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