Le Mon, 07 Apr 2014 10:43:12 +0200, Corinna Vinschen a écrit :

> On Apr  6 20:20, Jean-Pierre Flori wrote:
>> [...]
>> The problem we recently encountered was the following:
>> in gmp-impl.h, mpn_store (which can be either a macro or a function if
>> efficient assembly is available, and so is always a function on x86_64)
>> was not marked __declspec(dllexport/dllimport).
>> (See https://github.com/wbhart/mpir/blob/master/gmp-impl.h#L2419 for
>> the current version with the __GMP_DECLSPEC, defined in mpir.h (from
>> gmp- h.in) where this gets defined as __declspec(dllimport) for the
>> user visible header and use outside of MPIR itself)
>> It seems that because of this lack, the call to mpn_store from a bunch
>> of test executables produced the wrong callq instruction.
>> Once we added the __GMP_DECLSPEC the function got correctly called.
>> What I don't really get is that from what I've read e.g. here :
>> https://
>> access.redhat.com/site/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/4/
>> html/Using_ld_the_GNU_Linker/win32.html is that the dllimport/export
>> should not be needed anymore.
> And in fact it isn't.
>> So I took a slightly deeper look and played with the definition of
>> __GMP_DECLSPEC in gmp-h.in/mpir.h to be empty or __declspec(dllexport/
>> import).
>> The library was built with:
>> ./configure --disable-static --enable-shared make make check (->
>> potential segfaults when testing the mpn dir)
>> As far as dllexport is concerned, we pass --export-all-symbols to ld,
>> and as expected, we don't need the dllexport part when building the
>> library (we get __imp_ and __nm_ symbols for functions).
>> But it seems that the --enable-auto-import counterpart (which should be
>> ld default) is defeated.
>> I've had a look at the assembly and objects produced by gcc before
>> linking and they indeed look different.
>> With the dllimport magic, I get in t-neg.s:
>>         movq    %rax, %rcx movq    __imp___gmpn_store(%rip), %rax call 
>>           *%rax
>> Without it I get:
>>         movq    %rax, %rcx call    __gmpn_store
>> Similar differences in the object file (t-neg.o).
>> Looking at the exes produced (.libs/t-neg.exe) gives with the dllimport
>> magic:
>>    100401115:   48 89 c1                mov    %rax,%rcx 100401118:  
>>    48 8b 05 f1 71 00 00    mov    0x71f1(%rip),%rax        #
>> 100408310 <__imp___gmpn_store>
>>    10040111f:   ff d0                   callq  *%rax
>> Without it:
>>    100401111:   48 89 c1                mov    %rax,%rcx 100401114:  
>>    e8 f7 71 00 00          callq  100408310
>> <__imp___gmpn_store>
> This is ok.  Look closely at the address after the callq.  It's the
> start address of the executable (0x1:00400000) plus an offset.  If you
> disassemble the executable you will find a jmp statement at this
> address.  This is the trampoline code which is automatically generated
> for external references if they are not marked with dllimport.
> The problem at this point is that I can't reproduce your issue with a
> simple example.  Here's the example:
> ==== SNIP ====
> $ cat > lib.c <<EOF #include <stdio.h>
> int foo (int a)
> {
>   printf ("a = %d\n", a);
>   return a;
> }
> EOF $ cat > app.c <<EOF #include <stdio.h>
> extern int foo (int);
> int main ()
> {
>   int x = foo (42); printf ("x = %d\n", x);
>   return 0;
> }
> EOF $ gcc -g -shared -o lib.dll lib.c $ gcc -g -o app app.c lib.dll $
> ./app a = 42 x = 42 ==== SNAP ====
> Let's have a look into the executable:
> $ objdump -d app.exe [...]
> 00000001004010d0 <main>:
>    1004010d0:   55                      push   %rbp 1004010d1:   48 89
>    e5                mov    %rsp,%rbp 1004010d4:   48 83 ec 30          
>      sub    $0x30,%rsp 1004010d8:   e8 93 00 00 00          callq 
>    100401170 <__main>
>    1004010dd:   b9 2a 00 00 00          mov    $0x2a,%ecx 1004010e2:  
>    e8 59 06 00 00          callq  100401740 <foo>
>    1004010e7:   89 45 fc                mov    %eax,-0x4(%rbp)
>    [...]
> So the call to foo is a call to address 1:00401740.  Let's have a look
> what is at that address:
> 0000000100401740 <foo>:
>    100401740:   ff 25 1a 5a 00 00       jmpq   *0x5a1a(%rip)        #
>    100407160 <__imp_foo>
> Address 100407160 is somewhere within the IAT which gets relocated at
> runtime.
For most functions I indeed see this trampoline trick within the binary.
> This is exactly as it's supposed to be.
> Now, here's the question:  Where is your problem different?  What
> exactly makes your code fail?  Can you construct your problem from my
> simple testcase, or can you construct an equally simple testcase which
> fails?
Looking a little further, it seems the problematic functions are those 
directly assembled from assembly code.
That was the case of mpn_store on x86_64.

And when I remove all dllimport, the call to the function mpn_addadd_n 
also gives a segfault when executing t-addadd_n.exe.

Note that the test t-aors.exe does not segfault, and indeed it only uses 
the mpn_add_1 and mpn_sub_1 functions which are not from assembly.

I'll now try to produce a minimal example.

(I've tried GCC 4.7.3 and it gives the same result.)


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