Hi Angelo,

On Apr  2 18:54, Angelo Graziosi wrote:
> It seems that the attached test case does not work rightly with
> current binutils.
> The Help menu contains two About items and About2 is created from
> About1 with Copy/Paste. Now, while clicking on About1 works as
> expected, the click on About2 does not produce anything and fails.
> If I comment out the FILE_EXIT stuff (from .c, .h and .rc files) the
> issue is for About1 and not for About2 (it "swapped"!).
Yes, that's really puzzling.  I can reproduce the issue, but it's
pretty unclear what happens.  When extracting the resources from
the linked executable, for instance with

  windres dlg_one.out -o dlg_from_exe.rc

the resulting rc file looks perfectly normal.  Maybe this has
something to do with alignment?!?

> If, as binutils, I use the old binutils-2.23.52-5.tar.bz2 package,
> all works as expected.
> I can reproduce the issue also with the current mingw-w64 binutils
> (and the relative mingw-w64 compilers, i686-w64-mingw32,
> x86_64-w64-mingw32).
> The issue does not exist using mingw binutils (i686-pc-mingw32).
> The attached tar-ball can be used in this way:
> $ tar -xvf test_case_b.tar.bz2
> $ cd test_case_b
> $ ./dlg_one.out
> To create the test case I have adapted an application found on the web.
> Consider that I discovered the issue with a more complicated Fortran
> application.

Would you mind to create a bugzilla entry for this problem at
https://sourceware.org/bugzilla/ ?


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
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