Greetings, David Masterson!

>>> I've installed the complete Cygwin environment on my Windows 8.1 system.
>>> When I try to use 'lpr',
>> lpr to where?...
> Not sure I understand the question.  I'm trying to LPR a file to my Dell
> AIO 810 printer.  Basically, just 'lpr file' from within a Cygwin shell
> window.

Then you probably printing to localhost.

>>> it seems like the file is printed properly *except* nothing comes out of the
>>> printer.  This is a Dell AIO 810 printer that, once I installed the proper
>>> driver, doesn't seem to have a problem printing from Windows via (say)
>>> Notepad.  When I 'lpr' a file under Cygwin,
>> Are you sure you're using Cygwin's LPR, and not Windows own?

> Windows has an 'lpr' command?!?

Since the moment it gained TCP/IP support. Part of standard protocol stack.
Along with ftp, telnet and other stuff.
And not to disappoint anyone, but I've found that windows LPR works better in
certain cases.

> The command 'which lpr' reports /usr/bin/lpr.


>>> there is no errors and, in fact, the dialog box showing
>>> that the file is being printed comes up, cycles out to 99%, thinks for a
>>> few seconds, goes to 100%, and then seems to be done.  The problem is
>>> that nothing comes out of the printer.
>> Erm...?
>> What dialog box?

> It seems to be a Dell dialog box possibly produced by the printer
> driver.  I get it for anything that I try to print out to the printer
> under Windows.  It pops up in the lower right of the screen and tells
> you how far the printout has progressed as well as whether the ink
> cartridge is running out.  This, at least, gives me the clue that the
> 'lpr' command is "kicking" the printer if not quite kicking it
> properly.

> Do you have a Dell AIO 810 printer?

No, but I can quite imagine this kind of annoying boxes. Epson do that alot,
so does HP last six or so years.
This just confirms that you probably printing to localhost.
The answer could be that the resulting job missing something critical, and is
refused either by printer driver or the printer itself.
If you print something from Windows right after this failure of an experiemnt,
don't your LPR'd job gets out as well?
Another thought is that LPR works with printer on a low level.
Which means... the document you are sending to print must be preformatted in a
language the printer understand. I.e. it must be a plain text, PS, PCL or
something of that kind.

Andrey Repin ( 27.03.2014, <01:31>

Sorry for my terrible english...

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