On Mar 14 10:24, Chris J. Breisch wrote:
> Erwin Waterlander wrote:
> >Op 14-3-2014 13:58 Chris J. Breisch schreef:
> >>
> >>
> >>There's also a check 0.9.12 from January of this year.
> >>
> >>It appears to me that we should upgrade check to at least 0.9.11, as
> >>I'm unconvinced that the current version is working.
> >>
> >
> >It was in October when I tried. I also could get libpipelines and man-db
> >compiled, but it did not work properly. I had also failing tests in the
> >libpipeline package. In the end I could display a man page in Russian
> >and English of Vim, but man-db coredumped on the Fench man page.
> >
> >I remember there were indeed problems with 'check'. At that time this
> >bug, http://sourceforge.net/p/check/bugs/88/, was still open. The author
> >of man-db suggested to set CK_FORK=no in the environment. That helped
> >for several tests, but the first test of libpipelines kept failing.
> >
> >I also had a problem that I always got static libraries instead of shared.
> >Even when I explicitly configure with --enable-static=no
> >--enable-shared=yes.
> >
> >regards,
> >
> I downloaded and built the latest version of check, and it seems to
> work much better. I still have issues with libpipelines tests. It
> appears that there is a 32/64-bit issue somewhere. I'm using Cygwin
> x64. Many of the tests fail with issues similar to the following:
> /home/Chris/Stuff/non-GNU/libpipeline/build/tests/../../libpipeline-1.2.6/tests/exec.c:114:(.text+0x121):
> relocation truncated to fit: R_X86_64_PC32 against undefined symbol
> `_ck_assert_failed'

The "relocation truncated to fit" gcc error message on 64 bit systems is
a red herring.  It's in fact just what it says, there's an undefined
symbol.  Off the top of my head I don't know where ck_assert_failed is
defined, probably some library, but the leading underscore is suspicious.
The 64 bit ABI does not prepend underscores to symbol names as the 32
bit ABI does.


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