
Don't know if this list is more appropriate than the Perl one but my question 
is actually about porting a Perl script to Cygwin. I need to check if the 
current user running the script belongs to a pre-defined group.
Under *nix, I get the list of users belonging to the group and see if the 
current user is in this list. Cygwin doesn't allow this way of working. I found 
out by reading the thread "Why mkgroup does not list group members?" on this 
mailing list (1 message on Mon, 13 May 2013 20:29:52, for instance).

I would like to use perl commands without launching external commands, if 
possible. The way I've found until now is by using the output of the "id" 
command but I was wondering if there was another way to do it. How is "id" 
command working by the way ?



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