On Feb 28 20:49, Achim Gratz wrote:
> Corinna Vinschen writes:
> > It allows you to do the following in /etc/nsswitch.conf:
> >
> >   db_cache: no
> Using the 15:31 snapshot DLL again via VPN, id dumps core after about
> 2:30 minutes.
How?  Details?  Stackdump?  It works for me(TM).  The timing only shows
that it's not the right thing for you, or that in the long run the
non-caching option should just go away.  For the time being, though, I
need *details*.

> >     No caching of passwd and group data at all
> >
> >   db_cache: yes
> Startup of a shell in mintty takes about 20 seconds, each id around 10...13s.
> >       Caching of passwd and group data, no initial caching of the user's
> >       supplementary groups from the user token.
> >
> >   db_cache: full
> Startup in around 10seconds, each id takes a third of a second.

Hang on.  Are you telling me this snapshot takes longer than the
snapshot from yesterday?  And you're telling me that normal caching, as
was the default all the time, is slower in startup than with the
additional caching of groups at startup?  Is your startup procedure
calling `id' twice by any chance?

The problem with your numbers is that I have nothing really to compare
it with.  It would be helpful to know what you're doing, the essential
parts of your startup for instance.

Please, please, please, if something doesn't work as expected, please
add meat to your reports.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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