On 21/02/2014 05:44, Tatsuro MATSUOKA wrote:

I have installed Cygwin-67 on windows 7 64 bit to use octave.
So far everything is fine on gnuplot graphics_tool kit.

However, on fltk graphics_toolkit, fonts on the graph were not represent.

For example,


Any suggestions?



Hi Tatsuro
works fine for me and I have a minimal set of fonts installed

$ cygcheck -c -d |grep -i font
font-adobe-dpi75                      1.0.2-1
font-adobe-utopia-dpi75               1.0.3-1
font-alias                            1.0.3-1
font-bh-dpi75                         1.0.2-1
font-bh-lucidatypewriter-dpi75        1.0.2-1
font-bitstream-dpi75                  1.0.2-1
font-bitstream-type1                  1.0.2-1
font-cursor-misc                      1.0.2-1
font-encodings                        1.0.4-1
font-misc-misc                        1.1.1-1
font-tektronix-misc                   2.6-3
fontconfig                            2.10.93-1
ghostscript-fonts-other               6.0-1
ghostscript-fonts-std                 8.11-1
libfontconfig-devel                   2.10.93-1
libfontconfig1                        2.10.93-1
libfontenc1                           1.1.2-1
mkfontdir                             1.0.7-1
mkfontscale                           1.1.1-1
texlive-collection-fontsrecommended   20130529-1
texlive-collection-fontutils          20130529-1

Be also aware that on octave-3.8.x , the following bug
impacts graphic with fltk on cygwin


so I reverted default graphics to gnuplot.

I suspect it is a FLTK bug, but I was not able to track it down


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