Hi Andrey,

>>>I'm going to make some tests on XP, but if I can't track this down,
>>>would you mind if I send you a test Cygwin DLL with extended debug
>>>output to help tracking it down?
>> The best thing to do, I believe, if you want to fix 'XP' (my machine may 
>> turn out
>> to be a "misfit").
>> However, I have started afresh with the 18/2 snapshot ...
>> Same result: getpwent crashed (db_enum: local) ... getgrent is ok.
>> Send me a cygwin1.dll? Ok, if you tell me how to handle the thing (i.e. 
>> include
>> some pointers to documents that I must read in order to be able to get 
>> results).
> I'm volunteering as well. And I'm a bit more sure of my system conditions >.>

:-)) ... to tell you the truth: a few months ago I completely reinstalled XP 
scratch ... all went well, according to "Redmond".

However I do not have the same expert knowledge of Windows as Corinna or you 
as result of that, I do not see "the signs on the wall" if something is 

So, my machine might not turn out to be a misfit, meaning: others, who are 
still in
favour of using XP, are strongly advised to test Corinna's work as well.


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